Arestech HMI

IP66/69K Protected 10.1″ Stainless Steel Industrial Monitor with Wide Projected Capacitive Touch

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list_dot_01.pngIP66/69K Protected Stainless Steel 316 Flat Panel Design
list_dot_01.png10.1″ LCD, Projeted Capacitive, Resolution 1280 x 800
list_dot_01.png12 ~ 24 V DC power input (M12 Connector)
list_dot_01.pngVGA and USB Touch (M12 Connector), HDMI (IP67 Connector Option)
list_dot_01.pngVESA and Yoke mounting


list_dot_01.pngFood & Beverage Processing Industrial
list_dot_01.pngPharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Equipment
list_dot_01.pngEmbedded HMI Display System
list_dot_01.pngFactory Manufacturing Automation
list_dot_01.pngChemical, Gas & Oil Critical Environment
